1 Month Free Rental on Furniture, Appliances & Packages

Coupon code: MASTERMOJO
IMP Note : The coupon & option to order for 1 Month will come on website on 4th November. Every User (Delivery address) can use the code just once. If multiple orders are placed with this coupon for same delivery address, only the first order will be serviced.
Offer valids on selected ares: Mumbai, Bangalore, Pune, Delhi-NCR.

When & where can I avail the 1Month Free Trial Offer ?
 On 4th November 2015, Visit RentoMojo.com to place your order (apply coupon code sent in invitation). 
What exactly do I need to do ?
  • Enter your email id above and get an invite with your coupon code.
  • On 4th November, select the furniture & appliances you would like for the free trial (total monthly rental should be under 1100).
  • Apply the coupon & place your order by paying the deposit (100% refundable) 

 Done! Enjoy the stuff you ordered for the whole month.
Hurry Up! Let enjoy free 1 month rental plan. To know more Clickhere!

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